Abdullah (All Volumes Separate & Combined) By Hashim Nadeem is a captivating series that delves into the themes of spirituality, love, and redemption. The story follows the protagonist, Abdullah, on...
"Doosra Darwaza" is a renowned work by Bano Qudsia, a celebrated Pakistani writer known for her deep insights into human nature and relationships. This novel delves into the complexities of...
"Ignite Me" by Tahereh Mafi immerses readers in a captivating dystopian world where Juliette Ferrars, a young woman with a deadly touch, struggles to harness her power while navigating a...
"Wish You Were Here" by Jodi Picoult is a poignant exploration of grief, love, and the complexities of human connections. Set against the backdrop of a family coping with loss...
In "Wonder" by RJ Palacio, the narrative centers around August Pullman, a young boy with facial differences, as he navigates the challenges of fitting in at a new school and...